OWA AF Calls on Legislators to End Gun Violence

Ohio Women's Alliance Action Fund offers our condolences to the families and communities impacted by the mass shootings in Buffalo, NY, and Uvalde, TX.

We are outraged that anti-gun control legislators at the Ohio Statehouse are choosing to increase the presence of guns in our communities instead of working on legislation to end white supremacy and gun violence in Ohio. Earlier this year, Gov. DeWine signed SB 215, allowing concealed to carry without a permit or training. This law goes into effect this June, completely disregarding the lives lost to gun violence across this nation and in our state.

OWA AF Co-Executive Director Rhiannon Carnes’ and Deputy Director Alana Bell's
statements in the aftermath of these horrendous acts of racism and violence:

"We are saddened and outraged by the recent horrific shootings in Buffalo, NY, and Uvalde, TX. Although this is a time for mourning, this is also a time to hold those accountable—those who have created a culture of gun violence in our country and in our very own state. Anti-Gun Control legislators, including the Governor of Ohio, have weakened laws protecting our children and families from mass shootings. These are the same legislators actively banning reproductive freedom, voting rights, and accurate history being taught in our schools. 

We must recognize that these occurrences are rooted in patriarchal white supremacy and hoarding of power controlled by gun lobbyist groups. They are placing profits over people and rifles over children under the guise of love for the country and being pro-life. This culture upholds and creates entry points to aiding and abetting gun violence that targets our most vulnerable and promotes hate crimes that people of color endure every day. 

It is time for us to make changes that will course-correct this toxic culture and instead protect every citizen’s right to reproductive justice, including the safety of our children. We demand anti-common-sense gun legislators prioritize the well-being of their constituents instead of their pockets," says OWA AF Co-Executive Director Rhiannon Carnes.

OWA AF Deputy Director Alana Belle continues, "Uvalde marked the 212th mass shooting in the first 144 days of this year, and after claiming 18 elementary school students and 3 adults, it was the most deadly act  involving children since the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in 2012. In Buffalo, NY, One of the most targeted acts of anti-Black racialized violence in recent history took the lives of 10 Black people - with all but one victim being over the age of 50 - and shattered a Black community. As reports update and the deaths of children and elders roll in, we can only wonder: what will be the final straw that encourages a shift in legislation? 

Those of us committed to Reproductive Justice are not willing to risk the lives of our most vulnerable community members to appease white patriarchal culture's ever-growing appetite for guns - but some of our legislators are. Despite drastically increasing gun-related deaths, many of Ohio's Republican state legislators have promoted untrained gun-carrying. Our Republican federal legislators attempted to deny $28 million in federal aid for the US baby formula shortage while simultaneously strategizing to eliminate abortion access for Ohioans and American residents. We can assess the term "pro-life" and reason that most elected officials who use it, do so irresponsibly as it seems their commitment to protecting the lives of their constituents stops before they begin eating solid food. 

Our dedication to disrupting toxic, systemic cultural norms means loudly removing politicians from their positions when they don’t grow in the direction of communal care. We can 

build political power together and choose elected officials who will prioritize the safety of our people from birth well into old age. Our stories and perseverance can change the hearts of our legislators to build a common culture that chooses to prioritize the safety and wellbeing of our communities. We will continue to fight for reproductive justice, and those who don't change will face us when we vote on who represents us. Now is the time to stand in solidarity and end senseless gun violence once and for all."

Thank you for continuing to join the Ohio Women's Alliance Action Fund as we fight for reproductive justice and freedom from oppression in our state.


Join OWA AF to Protect Abortion in Ohio


Legislative Update: Bills to Watch this Week