An Important NotE

We recognize that it has been a heavy few weeks for all involved in the fight for reproductive justice, and we encourage you to continue taking time for yourselves and your community. 

As you know, the U.S. Supreme Court officially ruled against Roe vs. Wade in their decision on Dobbs vs. Jackson, stripping away abortion access. The same day this ruling came down from the U.S. Supreme Court, Ohio enacted an abortion ban. Abortion care after 6 weeks is now banned across the state. Ohioans will now have to find resources to travel hundreds of miles out of state to receive the care they need. People of Color—especially Black, Indigenous, and Women of Color—will be disproportionately impacted by this decision. OWA AF will continue the fight and we invite you to join us to educate voters about which Ohio Supreme Court candidates will protect and defend abortion access in Ohio:

Ohio Legislative Wrap-Up

Although the statehouse is currently in recess, we are continuing to work hard to protect those in need of abortion. Here's an overview of the important events that have taken place over the last few weeks...

Ohio enacted the 6-week abortion ban.

What does this mean?

  • Before Dobbs was brought to the U.S. Supreme Court, a near total abortion ban law—which would ban abortions as early as six week after conception—was signed by Governor DeWine in 2019. This bill had been placed on hold, but minutes after Roe was overturned, Ohio Attorney General Yost asked the court to lift the injunction on this law immediately.

  • AG Yost's request was granted 7 hours later, and abortion is now illegal in Ohio after six weeks of pregnancy, before many people are even aware they are pregnant, creating a near total ban on abortion in Ohio.

What action can I take? 

  • Make sure you are registered to vote! TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO REGISTER to vote in the primary election on August 2. And October 11 is the last day to register to vote in the general election on November 8. Attorney General Dave Yost is up for reelection in November. If the bills he is signing into law do not align with your values, you can use your vote to elect someone whose values do align with your own.

Governor Mike DeWine signed House Bill 99 into law.

What does this mean?

  • House Bill 99 allows school teachers and personnel to carry firearms after only 24 hours of training.

What actions can I take?

  • Reach out to your school boards and urge them to pass a resolution against House Bill 99. Districts in both Northeast and Northwest Ohio have already begun this process.

  • Make sure you are registered to vote by October 11 for the November 8th General Election. Governor DeWine is up for reelection. Time and time again, he has made it crystal clear he does not support safe communities or reproductive justice. Come November, it’s time for Governor DeWine to start packing his bags.

Federal Judges imposed district maps that the Ohio Supreme Court had Previously Ruled Unconstitutional

What does this mean?

  • The Republican majority committee in charge of creating district maps for the state of Ohio submitted maps that the Ohio Supreme Court had previously ruled unconstitutional because they had characteristics of gerrymandering. Despite this ruling, Trump-appointed federal judges approved these maps for the November election.

How do we resist these unlawful districts?

  • We can make sure to elect officials who we know will not stand for gerrymandering moving forward.

How do I identify my districts?

  • You can find your U.S. Congressional District here. Make sure you click on “Congressional Districts” which will outline them in red! This legislator is elected to represent and advocate for your values at the federal level—think D.C.

  • You can find your Ohio House District here. Make sure you click on “House Districts” which will outline them in green! This legislator is elected to represent and advocate for your values in the Ohio House of Representatives.

  • You can find your Ohio Senate District here. Make sure you click on “Senate Districts” which will outline them in purple! This legislator is elected to represent and advocate for your values in the Ohio Senate.

How can I hold legislators accountable?

  • While we cannot ignore the voter suppression and gerrymandering that is placing barriers to voting in our communities, it is important we continue to educate and encourage folks to vote. Elections are not the only path to liberation, but we can use our electoral power as a helpful tool in collaboration with restorative justice, education, and taking action.

Bills we will be watching this fall

House Bill 327: An anti-critical-race-theory bill which will prevent school districts, community schools, STEM schools, and state agencies from teaching, advocating, or promoting accurate history—specifically attacking 'critical race theory' 

Senate Bill 288: A bill that includes a robust criminal and legal package, which has a number of key reforms and smaller clarifying changes to Ohio criminal code. We will be in conversations with partners and keeping an eye on upcoming amendments. If passed, the bill would make it easier to seal or expunge criminal records, give incarcerated people time off their sentences to complete rehabilitation programs, and increase post-incarceration employment opportunities.

House Bill 109: An anti-protest bill which focuses on increasing criminal penalties for protesting.


Abortion is Racial Justice and we will fight like hell to protect our humanity and our freedom.


Welcome, Sarah & Janiah!
